Litha ritual, Kupala, June 21st, summer solstice
Litha ritual, Kupala, June 21st, summer solstice
To be at home under corona conditions
to be able to do a Wheel of the Year ritual,
just use our candles with natural oils.

Sun ritual (Solstice Sabbath)
Litha June 21st (summer solstice)
Solar power at the highest point
Highest level
Longest day and shortest night
Celebration of what has been achieved, hope and expectation
Celebrate your own individuality and creativity
Concentration on personal matters
Middle of time
Secret beginning of death
The germ of death is already being laid in the middle of flourishing life
Wedding of nature in which there is fertilization
and procreation takes place sources. Link:
Litha Summer Solstice Greetings English Video Link: More about the story. Link: Kupala (Russia the white nights) Link: Video Info Link:
8 Wheel of the Year Rituals Äth. Magic of Brighid oils In order to achieve an optimal effect, one uses additionally the magical natural oils of "Magic of Brighid", that one drips into the candle wax. Just the pleasant smell of my mixtures, which are made with all natural essential oils, is very different from synthetic oils. I keep a coloring of the oils with mine natural processing for unnecessary, especially since these would only stain clothes. My mission is offer people products they can trust, because I work according to white magic principles with the magic of plants and planets. Everyone who works magically and who is interested knows that only nature can have an effect. Compare yourself and feel the difference with all your senses. The smell shouldn't be in the foreground. In our opinion, not all plants are fragrant and correspond to our ideas. Nevertheless, the very special energy of each individual plant is at work here. 8150li Litha annual cycle glass candle red 6/20-21/06 Light this candle for the passion in your life. GTIN (EAN) = 4250684581500 3849 Litha ritual oil 5 ml with natural essential oils. For rituals e.g. B. candle magic, to make wishes come true. GTIN (EAN) = 4250684538498 Witchcircle Tiktok Link: Witch Sabbaths Link:
Wheel of the Year Sabbat de Sorciere
Imbolc Brighid Goddess witches ritual Link:
Ostara Spring Equinox witches ritual March 21 Link:
Beltane moon ritual festivals April 30 to May 1 Beginning of the summer half year the 5th full moon after Yule Link: Beltane Ritual Instructions Link: Litha Summer Solstice witches ritual June 21st Kupala Link: Litha ritual instructions Kupala white nights English Link: Lughnasad Lammas witches ritual 31 July to August 1st harvest festivals Link:
Mabon Autumn Equinox witches ritual September 21st Link:
Samhain witches ritual festivals 31 October to 1 November Halloween memory of dead. Beginning of the winter half-year and New Year of the witches is the 11th new moon in the calendar year Link: Samhain Halloween Ritual Instructions Link: Witches Calendar Link:
Witches Rituals Wheel of the Year Smartphone Video
Magic of Brighid Witchcraft Spells Smartphone Video
Voodoo Love Spells Brighid Witchcraft Spells Smartphone Video
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