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Christmas gifts of a special kind.

Christmas gifts of a special kind.

(Sale only to the authorized trade with commercial proof)

Many visitors to this page asked about shops,

who sell the products from -Magic of Brighid-.

Here are a few links:

Christmas, gifts of a special kind.

Not much longer until the final spurt.

High time to look for Yule gifts

for example:

8057 Magic of Brighid Glass Candle Come to me

To attract a specific person

or to restore a canceled contact.

One of the most famous and popular candles for love,

Increase attraction and attractiveness,

but also for money, luck and success.

Dimensions: 20 cm high, 6 cm in diameter

with instructions in german, english french and italian.

For this one still uses product number

3718g Magic of Brighid Magic Natural Essential Oil Come to me 10ml

10 drops come in the Come to me glass candle.

For on the way at the date one uses

3718s Magic of Brighid Magic Natural Essential Oil Spray Come to me 50 ml

used for smoking

1012 Magic of Brighid Incense Come to me

(Come to me) To attract a certain person or to

Restore a broken contact.

Flat pack with 20 incense sticks,


1718g Magic of Brighid Come to me smoking 30ml

8098 full moon ritual candle

For all successful magic Dimensions: 14.7 cm high x 8 cm in diameter

Recommendation Article No. 3834 Eth. Lunar oil Art.No. 11009 full moon rituals

3248 Magic of Brighid Love Magic ink

a secret recipe with natural essential oils.

This magical ink is used for every kind of love spell

and for writing love letters with magical effect.

Content: 30 ml

3249 Magic of Brighid Bat Blood Ink 29.5 ml

a secret recipe with natural essential oils.

This magic ink is used for protective and binding magic

and to eliminate curses. Content: 30 ml

3250 Magic of Brighid Dragon Blood Ink

a secret recipe with natural essential oils.

This ink gets its name from the resin of the dragon tree,

which is used for this ink.

This magical ink is used to dissolve negative energies,

Protecting and protecting every magical act

to give a special power.

In love, it ignites the sexual fire. Content: 30 ml

3251 Magic of Brighid Pigeon Blood Ink

a secret recipe with natural essential oils.

The dove as a peace symbol is assigned to Venus.

This magic ink is used for labeling of lucky charms and writing spells,

concerning peace, harmony and prosperity. Content: 30 ml

3280 gold – ink

dedicated to the sun, for writing with the energy of the sun.

Pure vegetable-based ink.

The jar is closed with a cork,

which was then waxed with the respective color.

Content 9 ml.

3281 silver – ink

dedicated to the moon, for writing with the energy of the moon.

Pure vegetable-based ink.

The jar is closed with a cork,

which was then waxed with the respective color.

Content 9 ml.

3282 copper – ink

Venus dedicated to writing with the energy of Venus.

Pure vegetable-based ink.

The jar is closed with a cork,

which was then waxed with the respective color.

Content 9 ml.

Accessories seal stamp to seal the love letters

3298so sealing wax red with wick 6 pieces pack

gold, silver, copper, blue, green, red

3253 parchment paper thin 4 pages

4 pages of parchment paper for all sorts of spells,

where the spell or wish is written down.

3295 seal with seal lily

made of brass with wooden handle and a pole

Sealing wax with wick in gift box.

22 mm, length 90 mm

This year we are prepared for the onslaught of orders.

3272 Calligraphy set consisting of a quill pen

with red colored turkey feather, inkwell,

Löschwiege, and one each black and red ink.

The set comes in a sturdy gift box.

Total length: 37 cm

3271 nib with turkey feather and copper stem,

decorated with a lily (fleur de lis) including ink

in a sturdy gift box. Length: approx. 24 cm

3260 Quill with brass spring black 30-35 cm long 

3261 Quill pen with brass spring dark blue 30-35 cm long 

3262 Quill pen with brass spring dark green 30-35 cm long

3263 Quill pen with brass spring dark red 30-35 cm long 

3264 Quill with brass spring white 30-35 cm long 

3259 Celtic pen made of wood (without spring)

9 cm, height 5 cm 

8193 Wedding Candle small red, 18 cm high, 9 cm wide,

to strengthen the marriage and preserve the love.

8600 corks with pentagram made of 97% pure tin

pure tin, to close your magic potions

8640 Small Spell Book Witches Spells.

Very nice little notebook

with Celtic patterns and pages

from hand-made handmade paper about 100 pages.

Size 10 cm x 7 cm

8650 Accountant carved with pentagram wood

and tendril pattern Dimensions: 32 cm x 20 cm x 18.5 cm, length

folded up: 38 cm

5020 pendulum set consisting of a pendulum made of onyx

engraved with a pentagram, an embroidered

Velvet cloth with different answers,

and a velvet bag for storage.


Brand new soon in the program.

Book of Shadow Folders for the Internet Age.

Two new shadow books in top quality and design.

(Sale only to the authorized trade with commercial proof)

Many visitors to this page asked about shops,

who sell the products from -Magic of Brighid-.

Here are a few links:

(Verkauf nur an den autorisierten Handel mit Gewerbenachweis)

Viele Besucher dieser Seite fragten nach Shops,

welche die Produkte von -Magic of Brighid- haben. 

Hier ein paar Links:

hexenzauber, liebeszauber, love spells

hexenzauber, liebeszauber, love spells

hexenzauber, liebeszauber, love spells

hexenzauber, liebeszauber, love spells

hexenzauber, liebeszauber, love spells

hexenzauber, liebeszauber, love spells

Witch Circle Youtube Video News Playlist

Playlist Hexenzauber Anleitungen Deutsch

Playlist Link:

Playlist Magic of Brighid English Instructions

Playlist Link:

Playlist Magic of Brighid en France Instructions

Playlist Lien:

Playlist Magic of Brighid Istruzioni italia

Playlist Link:

Hexenvideos Witch Circle Upload Playlist

Playlist Link:

Deutsch Hexenzirkel Witch Circle Playlist Link: English Witch Circle ( Hexenzirkel ) Playlist Link: France Sorcière Cercle (Witch Circle ) Playlist Link: Italia Strega Cerchio (Witch Circle ) Playlist Link:

Mobile Seite AMP Link:

Github Hexenzauber Link:

Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere

Yule Julfest Hexenfeste Link:

Imbolc Hexenfeste Link:

Ostara Hexenfest 21. Maerz

Frühlings Tag- und Nachtgleiche Link:

Beltane Mondfest 30 April bis 1. Mai Link:

Litha Hexenfest 21. Juni Sommersonnwende Kupala Link:

Lughnasad Lammas Hexenfest 1. August Schnitterfest Link:

Mabon Hexenfest 21. September Herbst Tag- und Nachtgleiche Link:

Samhain Hexenfest 31 Oktober bis 1. November Totenfest Halloween Link:

Alle Fantasy Hexen Movies Info Link:

1- Willkommen bei Brighid -Buch des Schattens- Autorin Link:

2- Hexennachrichten Link:

3- Inhalt Sitemap Links Link:

4- Witch Circle Youtube Link:

5- Magic of Brighid Youtube Link:

6- ANDERSWELT Youtube Link:

7- Rauhnaechte Julfest Wintersonnenwende Yule Link:

8- Imbolc Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere Link:

9- Ostara Ritual Hexenfest Link:

10- Beltane Ritual Walpurgisnacht Feuer Hexentanz Link:

11- litha Midsommar Sommersonnwende Kupala Link:

12- Lughnasadh Lammas Mondfest Link:

13- Mabon Link:

14- Halloween Samhain Link:

15A- Halloween Party Halloweenrezepte Link:

15B-Halloween Video Gruesse Link:

16-Hexenserien Hexenvideos Link:

17- Hexenbücher Buch der Schatten Grand Grimoire Link:

18- Vollmondritual Blutmond Hexenmond Link:

19- Was ist eine Hexe ? A propos des Sorcieres Link:

20- Hexen Initiations Ritual Sorciere Initiation Link:

21- Hexen Rezepte Hexen Elixiere Hexenzauber Link:

22- Magic of Brighid Händler Liste Informationen Link:

23-Grit Video Gallery Link:

24- Video Gallery Link:

25-Hexenkalender Witch Calendar Link:

26-Hexen Android APPs Link:

27-Happy New Year Greetings Videos Sylvester Ursprung Link:

28-Figurenkerzen, Magische Glaskerzen, Liebeszauber Link:

29-Mistel Magie, Mistelhexen, Liebeszauber Link:

30-Paranormal, Telekinese Link:

31-Gothic Wave Gotik Treffen Leipzig Link:

90-Translate Page all Witch-sabbath Francais Italia English Link:

92- Witch Circle Magic of Brighid Anderswelt Youtube Channel link:

8 Jahreskreisfeste

Wheel of the Year Candle Solstice PDF Download Link:

Hexenserien Hexenvideos Link:

YouTube-Videos DSGVO konform einbinden Link:

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magical christmas gifts, magic christmas gifts


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